Hello, Iam Balahari Vignesh

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What do I do?

Deep Learning, Autonomous Driving Enthusiast &
Full-Stack Web Developer

What drives my passion towards Autonomous Driving?

• Reduce the risk of accidents on road, Human lives are valuable.

• Make driving safe so that humans can be a much better productive workforce in the world.

My Expertise

Deep Learning & Autonomous Driving Enthusiast and FullStack Web Developer: Download Resume

  • C
  • C++
  • Python
  • Java
  • JavaScript
  • C#
  • Pandas
  • Numpy
  • Keras
  • Plotly
  • MatPlotlib
  • Seaborn
  • Scikit-Learn

Autonomous Driving Projects

Camera 2D Feature Tracking

Worked on OpenCV with C++

Feature Detection on objects from camera images using state of the art KeyPoint Detectors.Performed Keypoint detection, matching and descriptors

Evaluated different combinations of detectors + descriptors based on their performance and identified the best combinations

Github Code
Lidar Obstacle Detection

Worked with PCL libraries in C++

Filtering, Segmentation and Clustering of real point cloud data to detect obstacles in a driving environment

Github Code
Radar Target Generation and Detection

Worked on Matlab

Performed Fast Fourier Transform on Radar Data and implemented 2D CFAR process to caliberate, threshold and filter radar data to detect the obstacles in Radar Data

Github Code
3D Object Tracking

Worked with OpenCV, PCL libraries in C++

Detected and tracked objects in 3D space from the KITTI Dataset based on camera and lidar measurements

Computed time-to-collision based on the data from both the sensors and compared the results

Identified the best Keypoint Detector + Descriptor combinations for object tracking and Time to Collision Computation

Github Code
Multiple Object Tracking using Unscented Kalmann Filter

Worked on C++

Implemented an Unscented Kalman Filter to estimate the state of multiple cars on a highway using noisy LiDAR and RADAR measurements

Github Code

Academic Projects

Sportify App

• Developed web application to host and join sports events by individuals.

• Web CRUD application was developed on MERN stack and implemented in Docker.

• Implemented Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery using Github workflows to deploy in Dockerhub.

Github Code
COVID-19 dashboard for Baden Württemberg

• Developed a dashboard for the state of Baden Württemberg using live COVID data from Robert Koch Institute API.

• The application finds the shortest and safest path (using Dijkstra’s algorithm on Neo4j) to the airports in Baden Wurttemberg based on present day count of corona cases in every Landkreis.

• Project was developed using three databases – MongoDB, Neo4j, Redis with a REST API and implemented using docker.

Github Code
Note taking Application

• Developed a windows desktop application on C# using Windows Presentation Forms to take class notes for students.

• Application followed the Gestalt principles, ISO 9241 rules for software ergonomics and concepts like internationalization and globalization

Github Code